After planting green elephant grass two months ago, many households have harvested the grass to feed their cattle. Iêng collected 20 kilogrammes of grass. This grass is very productive. It is less hairy but tall. This variety is soft and the whole plant can easily be chopped. The traditional variety of elephant grass has hard stems and hairy leaves. Only the upper half of its stem is chopped. Farmers are in favour of this variety and keep asking for seeds all the time.

The harvested green elephant grass contains a lot of water, causing diarrhoea in cattle if they consume too much. If grass is mixed with straw or dried for feeding on the following day, diarrhoea can be avoided.

Narrator and photographer: Lường Văn Yêu (Thai ethnicity, 46 years old)

Person in the photo: Hà Thị Iêng (Thai ethnicity)