This is the goat farm of Mr. Lường Văn Cương and Mrs. Quàng Thị Hương. They have the largest goat farm in Chiềng Lương commune, housing 160 goats. In the photo, Mrs. Quàng Thị Hương is giving the goats water. Goats are easy to raise and sell. Chiềng Lương commune has many other households who are raising 7–8 goats or even more than 10 goats. In 1994 and 1995, Mr. Cương switched to raising goats because crop production was too hard and the outputs were insufficient to feed his family. He started with 20–30 goats and expanded the farm to raise more goats as he became successful.

Goats are prone to foot and mouth disease and gonorrhoea. Mr. Cương has fully vaccinated his goats.

Narrator and photographer: Lường Văn Yêu (Thai ethnicity, 46 years old)