Cầm Văn Sơn and Hà Thị Phích are mixing rice bran with concentrate, corn stems, banana stems and grass as feed for their cattle. They have four cows and nine buffaloes. They also have a compost pit of straw with urea from the buffaloes and cows, and a compost pit of manure. They are good livestock producers in the village and will join the village's livestock common interest group. Currently, they mostly apply personal experience to livestock production. They participated in Li-chăn project's trainings and the grass growing trials but have not yet used new forage varieties from the trials.

Before, they did not mix straw with manure when composting. Now, they learnt from the training that straw and lime should be added to manure to make the compost porous. And they are very happy with that.

Narrator and photographer: Quàng Thị Soi (Thai ethnicity, 28 years old)

Persons in the photo: Cầm Văn Sơn and his wife, Hà Thị Phích (Thai ethnicity)